BearHead Photography has many images to showcase his expansive portfolio on animals, and here are his pictures of wild bobcats.

Water Bounding
Hunting for ducks is not easy for a bobcat. Trying to get out far enough into the river to jump for a duck can be a difficult task, since they don't like to swim. After deciding not to jump for a duck, the bobcat jumped between logs to avoid getting wet and swimming in the cold water.

Snow Cat
Finding the elusive bobcat is a hard task. After putting in days and days, I finally caught a break. I found this cat along a river as it was hunting for ducks. With a heavy snow falling and it walking a little ridge, it was a perfect winter setting.

Dream Cat
It was a dream of mine to find a wild bobcat. I tried for a few years to find one, but only found its tracks. Finding this bobcat and then tracking it as it moved along the river edge made up for all those years of trying.

Blending In
It's a good thing I watched this bobcat go to this spot, because otherwise I would have never found it. It's camouflage was perfect, and it blended in so well with the tree limbs. The bobcat sat and waited on the edge of the river a very long time, waiting on a duck to swim by for it to pounce on.

Finding a bobcat is never an easy task. They are very sly creatures, and their best hunting trait is being stealthy. This stealth is why it is so difficult to find them. As this bobcat was crossing an open area, it was surprised to see I was watching it. It was amazing to me how quiet it moved, like a ghost of the forest.

Untouched Snow
Seeing a wild cat in any season is exciting! After finding this bobcat in the forest, I was hoping there would be an opening to fully see the cat. Sure enough, an opening came and the bobcat walked into the untouched snow and stood out againt the endless pillows of snow!

Unfrozen Bounty
In the winter it can be difficult for bobcats to find food. In Yellowstone, some rivers won't freeze because the thermal runoff heats the rivers and keeps it just warm enough to not freeze. This bobcat moved very quietly along the bank of rocks hoping to surprise a duck resting along the shore edge.

Sitting Perfect
It took me three years of searching to find a bobcat and get decent photos. This wasn't my first day with a bobcat, but just watching it sit in the perfect light as it sat and listened for voles made all that searching worth it. There aren't many moments like this that let you relax and take in the moment as it is happening in nature.

Winter Searching
The way bobcats move and hunt is impressive to watch, if you can find them. They are very stealthy animals and walk so gently that they are impossible to find by sound. This bobcat was secretly moving through the woods, and I was fortunate enough to find it as it moved through an opening in the forest.

Invisible Cat
The way bobcats blend into their surroundings is so impressive. This bobcat sat here for hours patiently waiting on ducks to swim by on the river. The ducks that did swim by were lucky that they were just far enough from the logs that the bobcat couldn't jump to them and catch them. The only reason I knew it was there was I saw it walk into the fallen tree, but still almost couldn't find it in the limbs.

Snow Camouflage
A snow storm does not keep a bobcat from going on the hunt. The snow actually helps the cat blend in a little better with the surroundings. To an unknowing animal, this look would blend in great with the background until it it attacked.

Moving Wood
Bobcats in a forest are incredibly difficult to find. Even when you know one is there, they can still disappear so quickly. After spotting ducks on the river, the bobcat began to move quietly and sneak up on the unsuspecting ducks.

Water Hunter
Seeing a bobcat in a river is rare. They do not like water at all, but will hunt along the rivers edge and surprise ducks and other waterfowl. This bobcat had found a nice pile of logs to hide on and then jump out at unsuspecting ducks.

Bobcats like to be the animal that uses stealth and the object of surprise to catch their prey. While this cat was moving in the open along the river bank, it was caught off guard when an elk came running down to the creek in its direction.

Forest Watcher
Finding a bobcat in the wild is extremely difficult. Even after finding one, they can disappear so quickly. There is no telling how long this bobcat had been watching me before I found it on the edge of the woods.

Water Log
Bobcats do not like water. They will swim if they have too, but they would rather not. It was convenient of this large log to fall in the river so that a bobcat could walk the river and not swim.

Open Hiding
Bobcats are one of the best animals at hiding in the open. What this means, is that they can blend into their surroundings in a way that makes them almost impossible to see, even when they aren't hiding. I finally caught this bobcat as it was moving in a little opening between the sage bushes.

Vole Pouncing
The winter can be a hard time for a bobcat to hunt. If the snow is too deep, then the voles are further from the surface and difficult for a bobcat to catch. After hearing a vole, this bobcat gave a large pounce and ended up catching a vole.

Quietly Moving
Bobcats are a very elusive and quiet cat. They don't like to be seen and are difficult to track once they have been seen. This bobcat was quietly moving though the forest and hunting the entire time.